Like many constituents, I am awaiting publication of the agreement terms and will then study every page of the documents in order to form a conclusion. I will be looking at the Withdrawal Agreement (our exit terms) and the Future Framework (our future trade and relationship terms) as a package. It was always made clear that one could not be agreed without the other.
Once I have been able to come to a view on the package, I will invite residents along to another public meeting so I can share and discuss what I have understood. I will also ensure that those attending can give me their views as well. I will aim to do this before the meaningful vote in Parliament occurs albeit I am waiting for the details on timing myself. If you are receiving my email newsletter then you will be the first to get the meeting details. If you are not, I would invite you to sign up via this link. My newsletter carries Parliamentary and local news about speeches, views and updates and your email address is not used for any other, or political, purpose.
I know that there are many politicians and commentators who have already rushed to make a judgment across the media. Like me, they have not had a chance to receive or read the details either. I have always tried to go about my work in a more logical sequence so I hope you will be willing to allow me the time to read, research and form a view and then join me to discuss it.