Bexhill MP, Huw Merriman, was impressed with the progress being made on the new North Bexhill Access Road and the next office building – High Weald House — for the Bexhill Enterprise Park, when he visited the construction sites during August.
Huw’s visit was organised by Sea Change Sussex, the local regeneration company - Huw commented :
“It was really encouraging to see the great progress this project is making to deliver a new road which will connect the Combe Valley Way to Ninfield Road, north of Bexhill. This will certainly alleviate the congestion in Sidley by re-routing much of the traffic heading north out of Bexhill, making the area safer and cleaner for local residents. I know some local residents have been impacted by road closures whilst this project has been underway, but I am sure the long-term benefits will be worth it.
“This new road is also creating sites for much-needed local housing and business use that will bring exciting employment opportunities for local residents. It is also good to see the new office building, High Weald House, getting closer to completion. We really do need high-quality, flexible office space in Bexhill for local businesses to grow and expand into, all that remains now is for us to consider how to continue this relief road over the top of the rest of Bexhill and Little Common to complete a by-pass of Bexhill for through-traffic.”
For more information about the Bexhill Enterprise Park including offices available to pre-let in High Weald House, visit