Huw is encouraging his constituents to get outdoors and enjoy the landscape and wildlife of RSPB Fore Wood nature reserve.
Huw said “Thanks to the great conservation efforts of the RSPB and their volunteers, constituents have the opportunity to explore the beauty of Fore Wood. Walking in the country provides us all with the chance to exercise. It’s not only good for the body but good for the soul.”
“I hope constituents will take the time to visit, experience this ancient woodland and view the wildlife it provides. As a beekeeper, and as Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Bees and Pollinators, I am keen to support all of our organisations which are giving a chance for our wildlife to thrive.”
The MP’s comments came on a fact finding visit to the reserve, with Rother councillor for Crowhurst, Cllr Gary Curtis, where RSPB staff discussed the importance of maintaining both strong environment protection for nature and our landscapes, alongside support for farmers who manage land for nature.
RSPB South East Regional Director Nic Scothern says: “Our countryside is a patchwork quilt of habitats supporting native, migratory and newly arrived species. All of it is managed in one way or another. We know our UK wildlife is struggling, and in many cases is declining, so it’s vital we all work together to ensure our environment better supports wildlife.”
“We protect what we love, which is why we’re inviting MP’s to visit and fall head-over-heels for nature. Our hope is that when the summer recess is over and they return to Westminster to debate legislation, they’ll have a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of wildlife, nature and the way we manage our landscapes; and will passionately defend them.”
Fore Wood is a glorious and peaceful woodland near Crowhurst, with some fascinating steep-sided little ravines cut into the sandstone by streams, with rare ferns thriving in the moist shade; a feature known locally as 'ghylls'. It’s an ancient woodland of hornbeam and oak high forest, sweet chestnut coppice and mixed coppice. In the spring, Fore Wood is a riot of bluebells and wood anemones, with early purple orchids adding to the show.
Find out more about RSPB Fore Wood by visiting our webpages: