Bexhill MP Huw Merriman has met with and endorsed the Bexhill Skatepark Action Group on a recent visit to the Skatepark in Downs Road. The group was set up following the general Election with help from his Labour Party opponent Christine Bayliss. She was prompted to act when she picked up that there were maintenance issues when canvassing for votes in Sidley. The action group is campaigning to make sure the current skatepark is maintained by Rother so it's safe for users. Furthermore, the group are pressing Rother to find them a new home before the current site is redeveloped.
Huw Merriman has written to Rother and asked that officers and councillors work with the Group to explore all the options. Huw said “ My hope is that Rother will be supportive and the timing right to upgrade a facility which, whilst well used, is not fit for purpose in 2017”. Christine Bayliss said “I’m very grateful to Huw for his support for this group of young people. Making sure that they have modern and safe facilities shouldn’t be and isn’t a party political issue”.
The Bexhill Skatepark action group have their first all member meeting next Friday 29th September at 7pm at Bexhill Athletics Club in Little Common Road Bexhill. It’ll be a chance for members to endorse the organising committee work so far and planned activity for the next 12 months. For more information please contact the group on [email protected]