Update: Pevensey Debate Re-scheduled to Tuesday 21st June at 7.30pm at the Priory Court Hotel, Pevensey, BN24 5LG
Following the announcement from the Prime Minister that the EU referendum will be held on 23 June, I have been contacted by a number of constituents, and media organisations, who are keen to know my voting intentions in the EU Referendum. I have also been asked if I will be actively campaigning for one side or the other.
Over the past few months, it has been clear to me that many of my constituents are keen to better understand, and hear, each side of the argument before making a decision. In order to help constituents, I have organised, and will be chairing, eight public debates which will be held across the constituency during June. I believe that an MP should, in a referendum of this magnitude, be available to guide and inform.
To ensure that there is sufficient balance when I chair these public meetings and provide information, I will not be detailing my voting intentions beforehand or joining one side of the campaign or the other.
I look forward to these eight public meetings and I am particularly keen to ensure that constituents can use these meetings as an opportunity to get involved and lead debate on this issue if they so wish.
Attached to this update and below you will find details of the public meetings and a press release with further information.
Memorial Hall, 10.00am, Saturday 4 June
King’s Church, Station Rd, 7.30pm, Thursday 9 June
Village Hall, 7.30pm, Friday 10 June
Village Hall, 10.00am, Saturday 11 June
Priory Court Hotel, 7.30pm, Tuesday 21 June (new date)
Dale Hill Golf Club, 7.30pm, Friday 17 June
St John’s Church, London Rd, 10.00am, Saturday 18 June
Battle Baptist Church, 12.00pm, Saturday 18 June